Page 3 - NewSchool22
P. 3

Things you can do

                   Find out if anyone else from your current school is

                   going to the new school. Can you get to know one or
                   two of those people before you start?

                   Go to the open days or visit days if your new school
                   has them. Ask questions if there are things you want
                   to know.

                   When you visit go and see all the different areas such
                   as the library, the canteen, the PE hall, the changing

                   rooms, outside areas etc.

                   Take a look at your new school’s website – there will
                   be all sorts of information and photographs on there

                   that will help you get to know it better.

                   If you have special needs then talk to your parents

                   about how teachers at your new school are going to
                   help you.

                   Agree with your parents in advance about what lunch

                   money, bus money etc you will need each day or

                   Try out the journey to and from the school.

                   If you’re allowed to, then treat yourself to something

                   new for your new school – such as a new rucksack or

                   Make sure you have your new school uniform and PE
                   kit before you start and that you try it on.
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